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Welcome to NETC Student Resource Center : Student Center Home

Providing library services to students, faculty, staff, and community users.


All student center services are available online except for computer and printer access. Students can reach student center staff via email at or through our Libguide chat services. Visit our home page to connect with us. The librarian is available from 8 am to 5 pm to assist students. Check out our widget on D2L for helpful how-to videos and great student resources.

Quick Links


To help students conduct research remotely, the student center staff have created short instructional videos.
How to access student center resources off-campus
How to use our new catalog
What is a Scholarly Resource


Click on each question to show the answer.

What do I need to obtain a library card?

How many books may I check out, and how long may I keep them?

What are daily overdue fines?

Can students check out reference books, newspapers or magazines?

How long may I keep items checked out?

Are cell phones allowed in the Student Center?

Are students allowed to have food and drink in the Student Center?

What are the Student Center Hours? Is the Student Center open during student breaks?




Can you help me purchase my textbooks?

No, the NETC Student Resource Center cannot help you purchase textbooks or provide support for bookstore orders. If you need to purchase a textbook or have a problem with one, please contact the NETC bookstore at

If you still need more help - watch this step by step video explaining how to order textbooks. 

For more information

email NETC Student Center

Northeastern Technical
College Student Center
1201 Chesterfield Highway
Cheraw, SC 29520
(843) 921-6954,  921-6953. 921-6951

Searching for Materials?

Need to check out a book or find resources from the NETC Student Center? 

It is simple as can be ….

  1. Check out NETC’s virtual libraries (arranged by the college division); if you cannot find what you need, then …
  2. Go to our Catalog NETC’s online catalog and search for the needed items. Most of our resources are available online – we have a limited collection of print books.
  3. Select the materials you need.
    1. Digital Materials log in through OpenAthens to access materials. 
    2. For printed materials, visit the Student Center on the Cheraw campus or contact the head librarian. @ for assistance. 
  4. Digital materials have varied checkout dates. Printed books are checked out for two weeks and can be renewed for two more. 
  5. Help – contact the librarian via chat, email, or phone. or 843-921-6953 

Need Help?

Chat With a Librarian

NETC Virtual Library